Wednesday, June 10, 2009


He's doing so much better, it's our first full night without seizures. He's wanting to eat, play with toys, and tried to get off the bed once. So thrilled!
Neurosurgery wants to leave his shunt as is, but have us check back next week to remove stitches and probably change the setting on the programmable shunt. This entails holding a impressively powerful magnet over his head and changing it. It's amazing that they can now do that without surgery. He is overdraining, but it's better to leave things as they are, treat the seizures, then discuss changing it later.
Neurology is changing his dosage of one med, watching him for awhile, then maybe adding another med in a few weeks, depending on how he's doing. We follow up soon with and EEG and apts. They're not doing an EEG now, he's had a lot of them in the past, and the Dr. is really familiar with his brain...she things it will not provide more info that would change her plan. Thanks though Becky, that was my first instinct too! I'd love to "meet" your sister, we love PICU and ICU nurses, they're amazing people.
Heidi, let me know what you dad says..
We should be going home sometime today. I'm taking volunteers to sit up all night, staring at Monte, making sure he's not going to have another seizure without me knowing about it...
I don't know how we're going to go through nights now...
Can't talk about it...


Mrs. O said...

I wish I was out there. I'd volunteer for the night shift. We'll keep Monte in our prayers.

Spar-Mar Girl said...

I'm so glad that it seems that they've figured out what's going on! Your family is in our thoughts and prayers-as well as the prayer roll at the Mt. Timpanogos temple! Take care and please keep the updates coming!