Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More Pictures by Lucinda


Spar-Mar Girl said...

Ok, that one of Doug with the kids is too PRECIOUS!!!!! Please tell me you have it blown up and on your wall.

Liz said...

Hey! I didn't know you had a blog! I saw the name Claire on Natalie Wright's blog and wondered if it was you and it was! (By the way I found hers the same way on someone else's blog). That's pretty much what I do with my time these days since I'm on bedrest- blog hop! You've got lots of great pictures- So Cute!
If you want to visit our blog- it's or you can just click on my name.

Cherie said...

Claire I love your new pictures!! Especially the ones of Monte--they make me smile!! I miss you guys. I was in Utah last week and kept thinking I should go see you guys, and then kept getting sad realizing you guys weren't there anymore. Maybe I'll just have to come to Missouri some day! :) Where in Missouri are you guys anyway? Well, i love the pictures. Give Monte big hugs for me. And little Piper to!

Higley's said...

Horray for the new posts!!