Saturday, August 23, 2008

Piper's 2nd Birthday! Part 2

Doug made the cake (Isn't he amazing!!) and Grandma Suze sent the birthday castle...both huge hits! We were going to have a princess party until Doug pointed out that the love of her life currentl happens to be a 'silly old bear.' Duly noted, I change themes a week before the party. She has 2 VHS Winnie the Pooh tapes that get watched over and over and over...Grandma Fogelquist gave us a new DVD. Whew! Doug and Monte and I gave her 10 new Pooh books and a few Pooh toys.


Mrs. O said...

Doug- do you hire out? That cake looks fabulous! And Piper has more hair at 2 than my Gracie does at 3.

Merry said...

Great job on the cake Doug! My 20 Month old Boy (Alex) loves Pooh too!

Unknown said...

Did Doug take a class or anything? It really looks professional! Great job! Happy Birthday Piper and I am so glad to hear that Monte is in first grade! Keep up all your good work!