Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monte's Birthday Bash...The background!

So in spite of the elements combining against us, both physical, temporal, and emotional, we managed to throw a heck of a birthday bash for Monte. After-all, it's not every year that a boy turns 8 years old. In our church, the 8th birthday is usually a special milestone marked by baptism and a huge family celebration. In our special situation, however, it was a bit different. Luckily we had 8 years to prepare emotionally for that difference. When you have a son with a "Go directly to the Celestrial Kingdom" pass, baptism is one of those earthly ordinances that the celestial need not bother with. Like I said, it's been an emotional year!
Anyways! My parents came out to visit right before, and Doug's parents came the weekend of to help make it special for us. Monte loved the attention from the grandparents, and it was fun to see them again, and in our own elements. Speaking of the elements, let's not forget that the eve of the party our house was hit with Missouri RAIN. So, yes, it flooded. Yippe. So as our welcome to our home party for Doug's parents, we spent all night moving the contents of the master bedroom...everywhere else. If you need a reason to declutter, having your in-laws and friend's husband unloading your master bedroom is a great one. Wow. (I've been de-junking ever since!)
So the birthday bash scheduled for Saturday couldn't happen. I sent a text to our close friends, asking them to evaluate the evilness scale of having a birthday party on Sunday. Since one happens to be in the Stake Presidency, I was a bit worried. Luckily, they're all just as evil as us, they thought it was a great idea! Hooray!
Another birthday tip: if you hold a party after 1-4pm church, everyone will LOVE anything you serve them. The nachos and homemade root beer in industrial size containers were decimated! Ok, enough background, check the next post for the details!

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