Our top 7 things of this year were:
7 Spending time with G&G Higley, Wellington, and Grandma Fogelquist (but it's been over a year and it's time to visit again!)
6 Getting a new "fort bed"
5 Staying (mostly) healthy and only having minor procedures. (Although he's having a small eye surgery on Nov 11, so please keep him in your prayers)
4 Teasing his sister, and laughing as she "helps" him with everything. She likes to put food in his mouth, share her drinks, bring him toys (and drop them on his head), and try to drag him across the room to play with her. I just noticed that she's feeding him Nerds as he lays on the floor, excuse me!!
3 Being properly diagnosed by an Epiliptologist and treated by wonderful physicians at St. Louis Children's Hospital. She re-did his EEG's and completely changed his seizure medications. He's been completely removed off of two of them, and we weaned onto a small dose of a new, better medication. Now we've been slowly weaning him off of the final (old) medication. He will be completely off in January, but with every incremental dose change, we see so much more of our "Monte" back! He's come out of the fog he's been in, he's signing sentences again, trying more vocalizations, walking and standing more, and he's just so much more alert and aware. Hooray!! It's hard to summarize our feelings on this subject properly, so moving on...
2 Continuing to make great friends at school and spending his time in a regular 1st grade class. (Hence the reason we moved out here in the first place!) He's the king of the school, everyone knows his name, and they make him feel so special.
1 Monte is now nearly running in his walker! He is purposefully lifting both feet, one after another, and carefully placing them up and down...and he's doing it so fast! We took him to the school playground Saturday and were in awe at his speed and endurance. This is a first for him and we are so, so, so, so, so thrilled.
Claire I'm so glad to hear that Monte is doing so well! He's such a sweet little boy. Isaac remembers him and will talk about every once in a while. Too bad we don't live closer....
I am so happy that Monte is doing so well. Sarah loves the alligator and monkey song also. Maybe it is the way they did the song at PEEP. You are such an inspiration to me.
I loved this post!!! I remember very vividly singing that song to Monte probably 10 times a day every day! Now I sing it to my Brody boy and it always reminds me of Monte. Brody thoroughly enjoys it also :) I am so proud of all of his accomplishments. I can't believe how much he's grown and what a handsome guy he is!! Thanks for sharing all of that...it made my day! Oh, and I'm also in charge of Activity Days in my ward...if you've had any purely unforgettable activities (or maybe just some fun ones hehe) that you could send my way, I'd appreciate it! We're having our planning meeting next week to plan all of 2009, so I'll need all the ideas I can get :) Thanks so much Claire! YOu guys all look great and I miss you so much! :) Hopefully I'll get to see you guys some day soon :)
It makes me so happy that Monte is doing so well!! Running around in his walker! That is so exciting! And I can't believe he is already SEVEN!! WOW!! Love you!
A great doctor can make all the difference, I'm so glad you're getting to see more of the old Monte and that he is running - WOW! Celebrate GOOD TIMES, yay Monte!
And also kudos to the cake wizard. I'll be checking out your recipes too.
Horray for Monte! Can't wait to see you guys! Love you!
Yea! Happy Birthday to Monte! Love that cake! I can't believe how big both your kids look! I haven't seen you since the shower for Kel at my house years ago and Piper was just a new born baby, it seems! You look like you're doing great! I found your blog through Kelly, hope that is ok.
Claire. Doug has a talent for making fun cakes. Cute pictures of your family. Happy birthday Monte!
Happy very belated Birthday, Monte! Looks like tons of fun. Great job, AGAIN, Doug! Claire, so good to catch up with you last night. So glad that so much is looking up for Monte. Love you guys!
Happy Birthday Monte! We love you!
Well a very belated Happy Birthday to Monte! Sounds like moving to Missouri was DEFINITELY the right thing for y'all to do-even if we really miss you! Sounds like he's doing GREAT!!! I can't imagine how nice it must be to have a doctor really working WITH Monte-that's so exciting about his meds!
Keep up the great work Mom and Dad!
I made the same monkey cake for one of my kids.
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