Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Piper Wears a Ponytail!!

After nearly a year of trying to get Piper to leave headbands, barretts, clips, and more in her hair...we have achieved perfection! The tight little rubberbands stay all day. Hooray! Now the hair is finally out of her eyes, and she looks so cute! She likes to sit on my bathroom counter and play with all my make-up while I "do her hair," then admires herself in the mirror. She's my beautiful brown eyed blonde, with curls in the back. We love having a girl!!


Becky said...

What a cutie! Thank goodness for those little elastics. I don't know what I would do without them! Possibly shave Lexi's head....

claire said...

I know the feeling, it took us about a year to figure out that those worked better than barretts....FYI to the other mothers of girls!

Heidi said...

Until they learn how to take them out...and really don't care how much hair they take with them...that's the stage we're at. Oh, well...someday she'll have a hairdo that lasts all day, I'm sure of it!

I can't believe how big Piper is! What a little sweetie...love those big brown eyes!