Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Piper's Birthday Extravaganza!

We've decided that the 3rd birthday just well may be the best one! It was so fun having Allison here, we opted to celebrate Piper's birthday a few weeks early...since Monte had surgery scheduled for the day after the 17th, and we needed to spend the day travelling. Still, thanks to a care package from my mom, a lot of enthusiasm from my sister, and a gaggle of giggling princesses, it couldn't help but be a success. We had all the girls come in their princess finest, began with admiring and playing with Piper's new kitchen, cooking up all kinds of pretend foods. We played "pin the crown on the princess," enjoyed Piper's favorite pink lemonaid, marshmallow and peanut butter flower cut sandwiches, princess crackers, and of course, a Cinderella cake, made by Piper, decorated by Doug and Allison. We also sent home goody bags with dipped oreos in chocolate to look like flowers, princess fruit snacks, candy necklaces, and lipsticks. The princess tablecloth, plates, signs, placemats, tent, and crowns (we decorated them with princess stickers and jewels) mom provided made all the girls SO excited, they really never stopped giggling. They loved having their fingernails painted too! As far as presents, it was so amazing! Grandma Higley spoiled her with a sparkly princess blanket, (or royal robe, as piper wears it), unbreakable crown, septer, Beauty and the Beast book, hairthings, socks, wow. Grandma's Fogelquist and Wellington send awesome packages of special books w necklaces, (Piper's favorite hobby), fun phones, candy, princess books, and a fun "Pooh learning phone." No little girl has ever had so much fun with her presents! We left up her princess birthday sign, and she tells everyone she sees that "I'm 3 now, and I had a cinderella cake, and opened presents, and had a party and ..." It's adorable. She's already planning my birthday next, always asking what cake I want, and already inviting her friends to my party.
The best part might've been Allison and I assembling her new kitchen at like 2am...using POWER TOOLS! Well, you had to have been there.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Age three IS the Best! And what a classic little princess you have! She is just adorable. Happy Birthday Piper!