The Salt Lake Temple
While living in Lehi, I had the amazing opportunity to perform in the choir that recorded the music for the Nauvoo Pageant. It was a very spiritual experience, and really touched my heart and filled it with a desire to see the pageant. This year, that opportunity arose! It was incredible to watch the show with my family, being moved by the stories and music and knowing that I contributed (a very small part!) During the show, the lights are turned off at the temple, (as it is being built on stage), and after Joseph Smith and Hyrum leave Nauvoo for the final time and the temple is finished, the lights are very dramatically lit! It is an emotional and awe-inspiring moment to see all that the pioneers accomplished, and also, all that they left behind, in Faith. To hear our beloved President Hinckley's voice talking of "Joseph's Temple" and "Brigham's Temple" facing each other and the urge he felt to restore it, is so remarkable. I was so grateful that I was able to spend time in each of the temples in the last few weeks, and without a long walk or handcart journey in between!
Living in Missouri and seeing the beauty that the pioneers were forced to leave behind once, before building their beloved Nauvoo and leaving again to go to a desert....(a lovely desert, but still, only after much effort! Did you know that farmers in Illinois do not ever have to irrigate their crops?!?) This has made us so very grateful for our heritage and the testimonies of our ancestors who followed the Prophets of the Living God.
We are so blessed to be living in Missouri and to be able to have these opportunities! We are grateful for the knowledge of the restored gospel and the blessings of having a Prophet on the earth today. We urge you to continue to share your testimonies with others so that they may also find the joy that we so often take for granted...
Claire I love all of your new pictures. They make me so happy!! I miss your family :( I love that Monte likes to ride a bike. Looks like you guys have been having a blast out there. Thanks for sharing :) Give Monte and Piper hugs for me!
Hey there! I have been checking your blog and enjoying all of the cute pictures! Your kids are soooo big. And I just realized that you don't even have my blog linked to yours- how rude :) JK , I am actually not too on top of the blogging thing. But you can add us if you'd like.
I can not get over how big Monty has gotten. He looks great. And piper looks just like you.
this is anita. I was surprised to find your blog. Where are you now?
It is great that Monte is drinking from a straw. Congratulations. We are working on potty training sarah. not going as well as hoped.
good to see you.
Hey Claire! It's your long lost pal Kristi Bassett. I was so happy to stumble upon your blog and see how great your family is doing. Monte is so cute and your new little girl is beautiful!
Ok, so commenting on your comments: Cherie, we miss you! We'd love it if you moved closer, Colorado is an improvement, but still not close enough...
Tiffany, sorry, I had you on before, then lost everything when I changed backgrounds (bad widget!). Thanks for letting me know, and anyone else that wants to be on my auspicious site, let me know! Rileigh, didn't know you were working so hard, I'm impressed. I love checking your blog...
Anita and Kristi, hey! How are you! Where are you at? Checking for blogs's so fun to run across friend from my past here...
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